This is my blog just for the Truth; Wisdom; Satire; and Comedy I come across on twitter. Its all part of the Tweet Stuff Progressives say Everyday
On the #P2 Column of your Twitter World.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rep. Weiner: "GOP Wholly Owned by Insurance Industry"

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY)

Did you see that? Did you watch that performance by Anthony Weiner of New York? Absolutely amazing! If you haven't seen it yet then that's a good starting point. Even for those of you who have seen this; grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy this show. This is Democrats in Congress at their very BEST:

Ever met a Republican not Owned by the Insurance Industry?


Must SEE TV on the #P2 Channel> "Ever met a Republican not Owned by the Insurance Industry?"

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen & Teabagger Baby Names

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen 
&  Teabagger Baby Names

[Forward: February 23, 2010. Earlier in the day someone was sending out a link to a post about Orly Taitz, aka The Birther Queen seeking protection from the United Nations. As often is the case I will open links to stories for later reading when twitter slows down. When I did get a chance to read the piece I had long forgotten who I got the link from- my apologies and thanks for whoever passed it along.

After reading the post it sort of set me off about what a lunatic Taitz is and the entire league of loons that still hold on to the belief that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore disqualified to be President. The 'Birther' bunch is quite synonymous with the Teabagger group with much of the lunacy they espouse]

First a passage from the post:
Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, seeks UN protection

"Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, seeks UN protection. Orly Taitz, California lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent, has made an appeal to the United Nations for “urgent action under the mandate for human rights defenders.” Taitz is is claiming she is under “increasing legal attack in the United States from groups and individuals opposed to her legal actions challenging the Constitutional qualifications of Barrack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President of the United States.”

Taitz has "been the victim of death threats, vandalism, false complaints, and a suspected assassination attempt" in the course of her efforts to expose Obama as a fraud, adding that "her reports to law enforcement and the judiciary have been ignored." There has not yet been any official response from the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Taitz is facing a $20,000 penalty and a threat to her law license. The $20,000 penalty represents a fine levied against her for frivolous legal filings related to her Quixotic quest to prove that President Obama was not born in the U.S.
Read the Complete Article HERE!

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen

[I started out with a couple of tweets with a link to the original post included. From there the thread ran into her 'Birther Queen' nickname and onto other alternative names for Orly. After that it evolved into baby names for Teabaggers. This gave rise to a new hash tag: #TeabaggerBabyNames. It also gave rise to a hater with all of 4 followers who just couldn't resist the opportunity to drop by and say stupid stuff. There was also some 15 or more of my followers that took time to jump in with some choice comments and names of their own. Here's how it went down.]

From @larrydhalstead      [RT@larrydhalstead]

Taiz Orly, Birther seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats. Needs referral to mental asylum instead

Birther Queen, Captain to a ship of fools seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats #p2

Portland Newspaper: "Words cannot express the pleasure of finding one's self the subject of a rant by Mz. Taitz."

From @Koursey: Taiz Orly, Birther Queen, seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats // Medication will silence those voices

Breaking: Taiz Orly, Birther Queen EXPOSED. She was born in Crazyville, a small town in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan

Trickle Down Economic explained; Ronald Reagan was born in Kenya.

What's an Taiz Orly?

Taiz Orly revealed to be exact same Fruit Cake people give away each Christmas- for 20 yrs now!

When your name is Orly Taitz, Do you really need a nick name like Birther Queen?

When she was young did Orly Taiz' parents inspire her to grow up and become a Birther Queen?

Birther Queen sounds like something you would call a fruitful hamster

Are there 'Birther' Princess Pageants in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan?

RT @MarchMoon: @larrydhalstead Birther Queen sounds like the Octomom

Is there ALSO a 'Birther' KING in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan?

From @omi66: Or a mother of 6

From @MarchMoon: Birther Queen sounds like the Octomom

From @LtlRedX: @larrydhalstead Birther Queen sounds like a bad ABBA song

History will remember the 'Birther Queen' with the same fondness as the 'Crotch' bomber

Alternative Nicknames
for the Birther Queen

From @geeoharee: I think Olbermann should have stuck with Orly Taint. Best Freudian slip ever.

I think Olbermann should have stuck with Orly Taint. Best Freudian slip ever. #p2 via @geeoharee

From @soulverbs: or Orly Skank

From @larsolsson: OILY Taint. 

Orly Taint, Oily Taint, Orly Skank. Entries in the 'Rename the Birther Queen' Contest! via:@geeoharee @soulverbs @larsolsson

From @MarchMoon: my vote is for Oily Taint

The Birth of Teabagger Baby Names

Has anybody ever seen a birth cetificate for Birther Queen Orly Taitz?

From @jenny0101: They don't issue them on her home planet.

From @omi66: Didn't think Mars issued birth certificates just hatching dates.

From @larsolsson: I wanna see Taitz's Earth certificate, make sure she's from this planet.

Do you think Teabaggers will start naming their babies 'Birther Queen'?

From @Raptor2u: Do you think Teabaggers will start naming their babies 'Orly' or 'Sarah'?

Teabagger baby names RT @Koursey: @larrydhalstead They'll name their kids 'real' American names like Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey.

From @Koursey: They'll name their kids 'real' American names like Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey..I know...lame..but I couldn't help myself.

From @Koursey: Oolong is exotic

From @geeoharee: Rooibos is a pretty name

From @cybil_d: my god they're replicating???

[With all this interaction already, this is when @bluegreyeyes (with all of four follower drops by to start talking some smack about how I'm doing this thread all myself. I ignore them for awhile and then the temptation to respond gets the better of me]

[Twitter Acct: @bluegreyeyes Name: 'B' 

 Bio: Concerned American for our future. ]

From @bluegreyeyes: did you think of that name all by your 'little self?'are you haha-ing to yourself? Looks like your going to play by yourself

From @larsolsson: So is Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic).

From @bluegreyeyes: ..gee no one seems to think your funny

From @Raptor2u: 'Orly is a Palin the Taitz'

From @larrydhalstead: AssTwit with 4 followers says WHAT? RT @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

From @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead @oxyconservative, boys, where did you go?? No one playing your game?? Jeeze..but you think your so popular??

From @chrismatth: @bluegreyeyes 900 of us follow @larrydhalstead because he's funny. You should try it. You never know - maybe you'll hit 10 followers.

@LtlRedX: The loonies are coming out tonight, is there a full moon? (Re: .@Bluegreyeyes)

From @bluegreyeyes: You now look like a one else is playing..your embarrassing yourself

From @soulverbs #TeabaggerBabyNames don't forget kibble & bits

From @LtlRedX: *smooches*

From @larsolsson: #TeabaggerBabyNames Truck, Frig, Prattle, Fnord...

From @chrismatth: How about @bluegreyeyes ? #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @larrydhalstead: @bluegreyeyes Wow, you are on a roll! 20 tweets now. And a couple of them aren't EVEN to @larrydhalstead

From @janinewallace: Thanks for the ........:) great trending topic! #TeabaggerBabyNames – fun

From @petezoe: #TeabaggerBabyNames Trigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther

[Sarcasm Alert- @OxyConservative]
From @OxyConservative: @bluegreyeyes You are such a meanie. Isn't he @larrydhalstead, he is just so mean to us!

When it comes to #TeabaggerBabyNames the Palin Gang got the best ones HANDs down.

new hash tag:

Starting to look like we need a new hash tag: #TeabaggerBabyNames please submit entries now

From @bluegreyeyes: Wow, did your hashtag end already? Gee, sorry about that, it was so witty and all..whoops

'Orly' or 'Sarah #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @Raptor2u

Oolong is exotic #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @Koursey

Rooibos is a pretty name #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @geeoharee

#TeabaggerBabyNames Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey. via @Koursey

#TeabaggerBabyNames Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic). via @larsolsson

From @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

AssTwit with 4 followers says WHAT? RT @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

Cracker, Ritz, Saltine, Triscuit #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @Teresa1908: That's funny! :o)

From @jfkfan: Good one !!

From @omi66 You keep me laughing Sir Lawrence

THANK YOU! @chrismatth @LtlRedX @emsmithart @omi66 @jfkfan

@bluegreyeyes Congrats on your 5th follower! Let me guess GregWHoward? Fairy Polly?

@bluegreyeyes Wow, you are on a roll! 20 tweets now. And a couple of them aren't EVEN to @larrydhalstead

Palin, Handjob, Palm Pilot, Ubecha #TeabaggerBabyNames

Wink, Nobama, Cheney #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @OxyConservative: 'Newt', 'Rush', & 'Patriot' #TeabaggerBabyNames

RT @janinewallace: #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 --- Ridge, Crest, Neybama, Dick, Winchester, Moli Tov

@janinewallace Thank you for joining in

When it comes to #TeabaggerBabyNames the Palin Gang got the best ones HANDs down

Cricket, Shooter, Quitter #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2

From @janinewallace: #teabaggerBabyNames Camo Mille, Ryful,

From @janinewallace: #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 Derringer, Whyte, Laska, Joe Kid, Ceefour

From @Anomaly100 Taxer, Patriot, Dick <--too obvious? #teabaggerBabyNames

From @soulverbs: #TeabaggerBabyNames Don't forget kibble & bits

From @raptor2u: 'Willow', 'Piper', 'Track', 'Trig',... What??? #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @petezoe: #TeabaggerBabyNames Trigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther

Teabagger Baby Names  
Complete List To date  

Birther Queen, Orly, Sarah, Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey, Oolong, Rooibos, Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic), Orly is a Palin the Taitz, Kibble, & Bits, Truck, Frig, Prattle, Fnord,@bluegreyeyes, Rigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther, Cracker, Ritz, Saltine, Triscuit, Palin, Handjob, Palm Pilot, Ubecha, Wink, Nobama, Cheney, 'Newt, Rush, Patriot, Ridge, Crest, Neybama, Dick, Winchester, Moli Tov, Cricket, Shooter, Quitter, Camo Mille, Ryful, Derringer, Whyte, Laska, Joe Kid, Ceefour, Taxer, Patriot, Dick, Willow, Piper, Track, Trig 

Thanks for input & ReTweets  :

@macumberledge @LtlRedX @Koursey @soulverbs @Teresa1908 @jfkfan @omi66 @jawaj52yagbebi @janinewallace @Raptor2u @geeoharee @MarchMoon @arkangel99 @LtlRedX @omi66 @soulverbs @jenny0101 @larsolsson @Koursey @heywho @cybil_d

MUCH Appreciated

Birther Queen Orly Taitz A Freak In The Sheets?


Monday, February 22, 2010

Hey Teabaggers: This is Socialsim!


Hey Teabaggers: THIS is Socialism! 


Twitter Author: @larrydhalstead

Hash tags: #p2, #ldh, #tcot, #teaparty, #hcr 

 Fear Mongering on Socialism


Socialism: Any of various political philosophies that support social and economic equality, collective decision-making, and public control of productive capital and natural resources

Teabaggers: A small cult of extremist who believe that ALL government is bad; Any government is too much. No one should have to pay any taxes. Any social responsibility for your fellow man is never a function of government. Rape, pillage, and plunder the earth's resources. Anything you don't like and/or is a Democrat idea must automatically be labeled Socialist and targeted for obliteration.

[Note: You see the stupidest thing on the #tcot hash tag or from the tcot's on the #P2 column. Every single time you see one of them yell 'SOCIALISM' as an adjective, adverb, or noun; it becomes abundantly clear how much they are clueless as to what it means. It becomes so annoying that after seeing such an excessive abuse of the word it finally made me snap off on them one day and this is how it all came out.]

[ReTweet: RT@larrydhalstead and or hashtag #ldh]

“I'm sick of these 
MotherF**ing Teabaggers
on this MotherF**ing TCOT 
talking their MotherF**ing Smack
about Socialism."       - Samuel L. Jackson

“We must throw the Teabaggers down the WELL.    Then my Country can be FREE!"

Hey Teabaggers: THIS is Socialism!

Hey Teabaggers: Twitter is Socialist. Please cancel your account 


Hey Teabaggers: The FCC Airwaves are Socialist. Please shut off your TVs and Radios at once 


Hey Teabaggers: The entire Internet is Socialist. Please get off so we don't have to be exposed to your bull shit 


Hey Teabaggers: Parks are Socialist. Please keep out 


Hey Teabaggers: Freeways, Highways, Roads are Socialist. Please keep off 


Hey Teabaggers: Social Security and Medicare are Socialist. Please refund all monies received to IRS


Teabaggers: Since Teleprompters are so damn Socialist, you can ALL go back to writing on your hands for communication. 

Hey Teabaggers: The U.S Postal Service is Socialist. Please hand deliver your own damn mail 


Hey Teabaggers: Police Protection is Socialist. Please call Rush next time you got a problem 


Hey Teabaggers: Fire Protection is Socialist. Please call Beck next time your house catches fire 


Hey Teabaggers: Military is Socialist. Please report for duty in Iraq to fight your own damn war 


Hey Teabaggers: The EPA is Socialist. Please stop polluting so We the People don't have to clean up after you 


Teabaggers: Start your own grocery stores, pharmaceutical companies. Our are protected by that Socialist FDA 


Hey Teabaggers: all the power plants? Yep, Socialist; so we're cutting you off 


Hey Teabaggers, even though our schools are Socialist, were not big on banning you there cause frankly you need some education 


Hey Teabaggers: Since FBI, CIA, Homeland Security all Socialist, please capture Bin Laden, Al Queda, terrorist yourself 


RT @letslaugh101: @larrydhalstead Social Security came from the Democrats? //EXACTLY, so we're keeping it   


Another thing Teabaggers, We're keeping the flag since our blood fought for all that Socialism agains fascist like you 


Teabaggers, since we're keeping our flag, you can keep your Confederate flag. It will make it easier to identify you 


Just for the record Teabaggers: Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers? ALL Socialist so GET YOUR OWN 


Why Teabaggers can't be on our Socialist Internet>RT @whiteshot: TOILET PAPER, U should stop EATING it after USAGE 


BTW Teabaggers; As per your 'Purity Test' Reagan was a REAL Socialist. But we're going to let you keep him 


Hey Teabaggers: Government by nature is Socialist. Please restrict yourself to the Rushpubic of Teabagistan


Right now Teabaggers wondering where to go? I'm thinking we might have to go ahead give them Texas

[Right after that tweet went out I started getting some feedback from some Texas Progressives that were not at all willing to surrender the Lone Star State. So I ran a quick retraction to keep Texas for now. At the very least it will be a big bargaining chip for when we negotiate the divorce settlement]

RETRACTION: Teabaggers can't have Texas after all. You will have to stay put in your fantasy Rushpublic of Teabagistan


Teabaggers turns out we never did care for you guys so we've filed for a divorce. Cheer up, we're giving you Lieberman 

Teabaggers: In the divorce we are also going to let you have both Wars AND the Patriot ACT (never were ours) 


Divorce negotiations now underway with Teabaggers being represented by law firm of Dewey, Screwem, and Howe


Take an average teabagger, slap a beard on him and rewire his ideas from Christian Jihad to Muslim Jihad, and you have Osama Bin Laden.

Don't sweat it Teabaggers, we're going to give you entire Fox Network; you just can't use OUR Socialist airways 

My collection of tweets  'Hey Teabaggers: This is Socialsim!'  Now on "Tweet Stuff On #p2"

[PS: Please feel free to jump into the fun. If you have another tweet that needs to be added to this list, please let me know; I'll ADD it!] 


Sunday, February 21, 2010

@EzKool - #ItsFunnyHow GOP:

Twitter Author: Ezra @EzKool 
Name: Ezra
Location In Your Face with The Truth!


Bio: “Evidently, being liberal means;
you're looking out for your fellow-man. 
-That's ME!”              

RT @larrydhalstead: I have 5 sets of 'GOP' collections from @EzKool posted on Blog called: "The Tweet Stuff on #P2"


#ItsFunnyHow GOP:

[Note: Here are some related tweets that serve as a preamble to the whole #ItsFunnyHow Series. They make a good set-up for the rest of the collection. All tweets on this post were run on Sunday February 21, 2010]


GOP have no interest in Health Summit -

From @SgBz: Conservatives only hate big gov't when they're out of power

GOP have determined that Zero input from them is America's best bet!

While Dems fight for a better future, GOP fights to win next election

GOP has suffered a rare case of Amnesia. They can't remember anything before 1/20/2009.

A Major thanks to @stunetii for coming up with the idea of applying the GOP Hyprocracies to the #ItsFunnyHow tag. Thanks @stune



[All of these tweets began with the same hash tag:


they also had the same repetitive theme of: “For it; Before They Were Against It” This is all just more blatant examples of GOP Hypocrisy, a corner stone of @EzKool satire, comedy, and plain old 'in your face with the truth'.

I removed the tag: #ItsFunnyHow from in front of each tweet for easier reading. Also most of these tweets are in reverse chronological order. So if its important to read them in the order they were sent then you will want to scroll to the bottom and work your way make up.]

Insert before each tweet: [ RT@EzKool #ItsFunnyHow] before ea tweet when you ReTweet if you have the room.]

GOP Lawmakers Decry Stimulus Bill, Yet Request Earmarks -

GOP was For End-Of-Life Counseling (so called Death Panels) Before They Were Against It -

GOP was For PAYGO Before They Were Against It -

GOP was For Help For Rape Victims, Before They Were Against It -

GOP was For Competition in Healthcare, Before They Were Against It.

GOP was For Deregulation Before They Were Against It -

GOP was Against Torture, Before They Were For It -

GOP was For Medicare Advantage Cuts Before They Were Against Them -

GOP was For The Stimulus, Before They Were Against It -

GOP was For The Troops Funding, Before They Were Against Them -

GOP was For Terrorist Convictions Before They Were Against Them -

GOP was For a Trillion Bucks Before They Were Against It -

GOP was for health-care competition before they were against it -

GOP Murry's Clarifies pay or play on current business size threshold, then votes NO to it in bill!.

GOP Reed wants $ for co-locating primary and specialty care in mental health, then votes NO to bill!

GOP Sanders wants Civil monetary penalties on employers who fail to satisfy the mandate, then votes NO.

GOP Roberts wants ensuring the safety of prescription drugs in America, then votes NO to it in bill -

McCain wants to maintain separate pools for ppl, small & large groups, then votes NO to bill.

GOP Murkowski wants to Strikes extension of dependent coverage, then votes against it in bill!

GOP Murkowski wants for frontier extended stay in clinic funding, then votes against it in bill.

On Women's Health, GOP wants no cost sharing for preventive services, then votes NO to bill!

GOP wants To strike the government plan, then votes NO to bill.

It is sinking in yet? That GOP spelled backwards is NO?

GOP Hatch wants employer able to specify the issuer for plan selections, then votes NO to bill!

GOP wants low-income credits be available both inside and outside the Gateway, then votes NO to bill.

GOP Hatch wants plans to not deny benefits for religious health care, then votes NO to bill!

GOP Harkin wants HIPAA premium variation raised to 30 percent, then votes votes NO to bill!

GOP Gregg wants Follow- On-Biologics savings to go towards deficit reduction, then votes NO to bill!

GOP Judd Gregg wants Medicare Solvency Prior to New Gov’t Run Plan, then votes NO to bill!

GOP wants a Sense of the Senate that consumer interests should be established, then votes NO on bill!

GOP Enzi - Prohibit rationing on basis of age, disability, or quality of life, then vote NO on bill

GOP wants to protect pro-patient plans and prevent rationing, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants small States 2 have the same access as larger ones to grant $, then vote against it in bill!

GOP Enzi wants people enrolled to have access to all services, then voted against it in bill.

GOP wants to modify provisions relating to the cost of health care, then vote against it in bill.

GOP Enzi wants Medical litigation reform, then vote against it in bill!

There's 161 GOP amendments in Health Care bill. Yet, they claim they had no input!

GOP wants to limit subsidies to those below 250 percent of poverty level, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants allowing small group risk adjustment, then vote against it in bill!

At this rate, even if TORT Reform was in the healthcare bill, GOP would vote NO!

GOP wants Secretary and OIG to defund Gateways fund with fraud & abuse, then vote against it!

GOP wants preserving State Laws on prescription interchangeability, then vote against it in bill!

RT @TheRockJr: @EzKool /You're on a roll today.// It's easy with these GOP Hypocrites.

GOP wants allowing independent insurance agents to receive grants, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants scientific data used for Govt decisions made public, then voted against it.

GOP wants to preserve and protect Patients' rights, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants Gateways to publish their costs, fees, fines on website, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants no taxpayer funds for assisted suicide, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants technologies to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants no Gateway Funds to be used for regulatory modifications, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants Full Accounting of Costs of Reform, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants to strike the section creating the Public Insurance Option, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants no IRS disclosure of information when receiving subsidies, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants consultants, in reference to educating health care consumers, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants access to information and assistance through the Gateway, then voted against it in bill!

GOP wants to apply the False Claims Act to the Gateway participants, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants modifies medical loss ratios and quality sections, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants modified preventive services section of the Gateway, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants to amend the term qualified employer, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants Provider non-discrimination provision, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants exception to employer mandate for seasonal farm workers, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants physicians to be advisory to HHS Secretary, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants private plans 2 B exempt from federal/state, when rating ins option, then vote against it.

GOP wants commission to advise the Secretary on benefit package, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants to clarify the children's hospitals in the 340B program, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants to "reduce individual penalties to $750 a year,"then vote against it it in bill!

GOP wants to create a high-risk pool for high risk uninsured, then voted against it in bill!

GOP wants catastrophic insurance option for young people, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants incentivizing wellness programs, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants kids to remain on parents coverage until 26, then vote against it in bill.

GOP wants pools for self employed & small business 2 buy insurance, then voted against it in bill!

GOP wants to create a high-risk pool for high risk uninsured, then vote against it in bill!

GOP wants 'insurance companies to sell coverage across state lines', they vote against it in bill!

GOP Mitch McConnell voted against Stimulus, then took credit for $ sent to Blue Grass Army Depot KY.

GOP Bobby Jindal opposed Stimulus, then is seen with Jumbo checks for Stimulus projects

GOPBobby Jindal opposed Stimulus, then is seen with Jumbo checks for Stimulus projects

GOP Jobn Mica voted against Stimulus, but says it "help improve one of our key economic generators".

GOP Kay Bailey Hutchinson voted against Stimulus, later said,"this funding will spur growth in Texas".

GOP Richard Burr voted against Stimulus, then said, "it's a great thing for this county".

GOP Kit Bond voted against Stimulus, then said, "it would spurr economic opportunities".

GOP Bob Bennet voted no to Stimulus, then said, "federal funds will maximize the stimulative effect on economy."

GOP Joe "You Lie" Wilson, voted against Stimulus, then said "it would provide jobs and investments..."

GOP Mary Fallin voted against Stimulus, then asked for 8.4 million to repair Oklahoma sites.

GOP Mary Fallin voted against Stimulus, then asked for 8.4 million to repair Oklahoma sites.

GOP Jim Inhofe voted against Stimulus, then said, "it would help spurr economic growth".

GOP John Carter voted against Stimulus, then requested $621 million for projects.

GOP Bill Young voted against Stimulus, then lists projects on his website that Stimulus funded.

GOP Eric Cantor voted against Stimulus, then holds a job fair for projects funded by Stimulus $.

While Dems fight for a better future, GOP fights to win next election