This is "Why Robert Gibbs Tweets" @PressSec
This is what he doesn't (yet) respond to:
[Update Note: While Gibbs has yet to respond, future generations very well may since it turns out all of the tweets sent directly to @PressSec are automatically archived under 'The Presidential Records Act' of 1978. Say's Gibbs:
"The only thing that would be archived other than what I produce is if you respond directly to me and only me," he added. "It's analogous to sending an e-mail to the White House, which is already archived."
This is what he doesn't (yet) respond to:
[Update Note: While Gibbs has yet to respond, future generations very well may since it turns out all of the tweets sent directly to @PressSec are automatically archived under 'The Presidential Records Act' of 1978. Say's Gibbs:
"The only thing that would be archived other than what I produce is if you respond directly to me and only me," he added. "It's analogous to sending an e-mail to the White House, which is already archived."
Obama: Green vs Nuclear
From February 16
[This trending topic came from a twitter debate by a couple of people as to whether or not @PressSec was THE actual twitter account for Obama's Press Secretary Robert Gibbs like it claimed it was:
@PressSec Robert Gibbs
Bio: An official WH twitter account. Comments & messages received through official WH pages are subject to the PRA and may be archived. Learn more
[I went to the profile page for @PressSec and saw that it was 'Verified' which would indicate the authenticity as much as the content. A Tweet had just gone out that made the following announcement:]
FROM @PressSec
President to announce loan guarantee today for first nuclear power plant built in US in 30 yrs - 3,500 jobs for construction
[I've had several disagreements with Obama most notably over his handling of the Foreclosure Crisis, Bank Bailouts, Wall St. Welfare, Weak Leadership on Weak HCR, etc. What I wasn't yet ready to embrace is our Democrat President rushing to make loan guarantees for nuclear power plants. So Yes it set me off and Yes I felt the need to express some feelings directed at Obama via his Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. I still haven't heard back from Robert but I still hope to. Here's how the rant went also some interaction with an Obama defender and a PR Spin Tweeter for the Nuclear Industry]
Obama: Green vs Nuclear
Not the 'Change' we voted for, believed in>RT @PressSec: President to announce loan guarantee today for nuclear power plant
Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" How about to buy back houses your bank friends stole from us? @PressSec:
Obama: Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" How about a solar panel on EVERY house? @PressSec:
Obama: Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" How about rebates on hybrid cars? @PressSec:
Obama: Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" How about a wind mill in the yard? @PressSec:
Obama: I though 'Change' meant Green Energy Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I though 'Change' meant Corps were NOT People Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant"
Obama: I though 'Change' meant Families first Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Better Education Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Universal Health Care Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Putting Families FIRST Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Foreclosure Relief; Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Small Business Funding; Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Green Energy Jobs Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' meant Safe Renewable Energy Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Change' was about Main St NOT Wall St; Instead of " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: 'Ima gonna let U finish but' Green Energy is a whole lotta better than " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" makes as much sense as "Too Big 2 FAIL" NOT! @PressSec:
Obama: When U steer to Right U run into #fail >" loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Obama: I thought 'Nuclear NOT an option meant NO "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
Excuse me Mr. Gibbs @PressSec : Explain how this helps homeless families in my state? Obama: "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant"
Excuse me Mr. Gibbs @PressSec : Explain how this helps Green Energy startups? Obama: "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant"
Mr. President, ENOUGH of Corporate Welfare already> Obama: "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec
As a Progressive Dem leader myself, How am I suppose to explain this?> Obama: "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec
If I wanted big Bank Bail outs, Wall St welfare, or "loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" then GOP was the option @PressSec
Don't worry Mr. President, I'll cary that Torch for 'Change' until that Candidate Obama guy shows up again
Call me crazy, but I really believed in the 'Change' Candidate Obama spoke of. Still Do!
I Dream that one day a new major Party will emerge that is way to the Left of Democrats
I believe in being a Party Loyalist' but never have cared much for 'Blind Allegiance'
Obama, YOU got some splainin to do! Re: " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec
I really LOVED that Candidate Obama GUY! I really miss him these days!
I think it would be nice if Obama would sit down and have a chat with Senator Franken, Maybe get some pointers?
Candidate Obama: Freeze on foreclosures; Prez Elect Obama: Foreclosures Crisis Job 1; Prez Obam: Lets bail out Banks, Wall St.
Dem Party Founder Thomas Jefferson: "Dissent highest form of Patriotism" He meant that 4 Obama as well
Need some 'Change' Mr. President? I got your change right here on
Hey Candidate Obama: When's your inauguration? Please invite me; I want to help with that 'Change' thing.
When we come up with a safe way to store spent nuclear plutonium, then maybe we can get back to taking a second look at it
Candidate Obama: Freeze on foreclosures; Prez Elect Obama: Foreclosures Crisis Job 1; Prez Obam: Lets bail out Banks, Wall St.
Dem Party Founder Thomas Jefferson: "Dissent highest form of Patriotism" He meant that 4 Obama as well
I'm the kind of Progressive who thinks you should stay true to your values; NOT to any particular politicians
I still like President Obama, I'm just feeling nostalgic for that good ole Candidate Obama; HE was GREAT!
[By now, I have engaged two people who want to take exception to my comments. It seems that Barbie doesn't like me speaking ill of either Obama or our Dem Party. She Points out that its not Obama but the GOP. Hey, I'm always down with piling on the Grand Obstruction Party but they're not the ones offering up “loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant”. I appreciate running some interference for the Commander in Chief, just not if he's the one dead wrong on policy, especially when its about Environmental and/or Green Energy]
FROM @barbiesnow TO@larrydhalstead Obama is not the enemy GOP is..
RT @barbiesnow: @larrydhalstead Obama is not the enemy GOP is// True but Obama says: " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" @PressSec:
@barbiesnow Its Obama announcing: " loan guarantee 4 nuclear power plant" via @PressSec: that has me bothered
FROM @barbiesnow TO @larrydhalstead I don't believe he can please everyone all of the time..There will be people in Georgia who are happy about this..
RT @barbiesnow: Obama can't please everyone all of the time., people in Georgia who are happy about this..//I'm NOT in Georgia, NOT happy
FROM @barbiesnow TO@larrydhalstead I'm are acting like a spoiled child who is not getting their way...Grow up...I don't care where you live.
FROM @barbiesnow TO@larrydhalstead Stop your rants..we have ALL gotten your message...
RT @barbiesnow: @larrydhalstead Stop your rants..we have ALL gotten your message// Haven't heard from Obama yet or @PressSec
FROM @LtlRedX TO@larrydhalstead Larry Halstead for Prez?
Hey, Put your guns down. I'm only the messanger; I don't make policy! (YET)
If you are a Dem who doesn't like me speaking ill of POTUS; Why don't you help me search 4 Candidate Obama?
Whoda thunk it; a Progressive #p2 Dem against Nuclear? >RT @chrislaerton: @larrydhalstead Are you actually against nuclear power?
Hmm Lets see? Safe renewable Green Energy vs spent nuclear plutonium melt downs...Tough choice ain't it?
BREAKING: Enviromental Green Energy Advocates not yet ready to embrace nuclear melt downs. That is ALL #p2
@Fissionary & the Nuke Brigade
[The other input I started getting was coming straight out of the Nuclear Industry. Look if you are working on getting billions out of the federal government with Obama's help, it sure pays to set some nuclear geek up with a laptop and a twitter account. If you wanted a future 'visionary' image you wanted to create to help the 'you betcha' catchyness of it all; I know how about @Fissionary? Now friendly helpful Adam Atom wants me to know that: Nuclear=Safe. Solar it turns out poses a major death threat every year in this country. Who knew? @Fissionary, That's who!]
FROM@Fissionary TO: @lrhse @larrydhalstead @PressSec
Thousands would die every year from falling off roof tops vs 0 deaths in 40 year history of us nuclear.
@larrydhalstead @lrhse You can joke all you want, but fact is, zero people died in US from nuclear in 09 and dozens died from roof falls!
@larrydhalstead Chernobyl was a soviet reactor and is physically impossible at a US reactor. Time for a new argument.
@larrydhalstead Three Mile Island consequences = zero deaths, zero injuries, zero illnesses. Do you have a point?
@larrydhalstead @lrhse Rooftop falls is a fact. Zero deaths from US nuclear power is a fact. You are in denial and refuse to see the truth
@lrhse @larrydhalstead your false claim that nuclear energy is unsafe is moot
@larrydhalstead which of course makes mine the position backed by understanding of the science and yours fear and assumption
@larrydhalstead not to worry. I've been right for 40 years
My Response?
1 Word: Chernobyl RT @Fissionary Thousands would die every year from falling off roof tops vs 0 deaths in 40 year history of us nuclear
1 Word: Chernobyl; 3 words? Three Mile Island RT @Fissionary 0 deaths in 40 year history of us nuclear
Shocking isn't it?More shocking: I love Green Energy > RT @chrislaerton: @larrydhalstead Are you actually against nuclear power?
@Fissionary Main difference between YOUR opinion and MINE? One of us DOESN'T work 4 the Nuclear industry.
@Fissionary When Im wrong on Green Energy; someone falls off roof. When U are wrong on Nuclear? Not so small a problem
@Fissionary If my arguments AGAINST nuclear energy are 'nothing new' trust me; I've heard yours in FAVOR for decades
Must NOT have Green Energy. Why U ask? >;RT @Fissionary: Thousands would die every year from falling off roof tops//
From @lrhse: Does NOT coincide w/$ govt has set aside for lawsuits: @Fissionary your false claim that nuclear energy is unsafe is moot - @larrydhalstead
FROM@Fissionary @lrhse @larrydhalstead Gov sets assure money for lawsuits because if the nuts at GreenPeace who want to keep us addicted to coal and oil!
FROM@Fissionary @larrydhalstead @lrhse Thats because you sue, not because my reactor is unsafe. My reactor never hurt anyone, your lawyers hurt EVERYONE.
Twitter Input Authors for this post.
@Fissionary Nuclear Fissionary
Nuclear Energy suffers from a poor public image; we're here to change all that.
@LtlRedX L H
Blogger living in MN w/ my family, teaching myself Photography, Photoshop. Loving Mac, my iPhone, Family, Friends and my Toy Fox Terrier
@barbiesnow Barbara Ann Snow
Outspoken, opinionated Molly Ivins is my hero. Been there and done that so don't try. Realtors, Entrepreneurs please do not follow me.
@lrhse The V Man
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