This is my blog just for the Truth; Wisdom; Satire; and Comedy I come across on twitter. Its all part of the Tweet Stuff Progressives say Everyday
On the #P2 Column of your Twitter World.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen & Teabagger Baby Names

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen 
&  Teabagger Baby Names

[Forward: February 23, 2010. Earlier in the day someone was sending out a link to a post about Orly Taitz, aka The Birther Queen seeking protection from the United Nations. As often is the case I will open links to stories for later reading when twitter slows down. When I did get a chance to read the piece I had long forgotten who I got the link from- my apologies and thanks for whoever passed it along.

After reading the post it sort of set me off about what a lunatic Taitz is and the entire league of loons that still hold on to the belief that Obama was born in Kenya and therefore disqualified to be President. The 'Birther' bunch is quite synonymous with the Teabagger group with much of the lunacy they espouse]

First a passage from the post:
Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, seeks UN protection

"Orly Taitz, Birther Queen, seeks UN protection. Orly Taitz, California lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent, has made an appeal to the United Nations for “urgent action under the mandate for human rights defenders.” Taitz is is claiming she is under “increasing legal attack in the United States from groups and individuals opposed to her legal actions challenging the Constitutional qualifications of Barrack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President of the United States.”

Taitz has "been the victim of death threats, vandalism, false complaints, and a suspected assassination attempt" in the course of her efforts to expose Obama as a fraud, adding that "her reports to law enforcement and the judiciary have been ignored." There has not yet been any official response from the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Taitz is facing a $20,000 penalty and a threat to her law license. The $20,000 penalty represents a fine levied against her for frivolous legal filings related to her Quixotic quest to prove that President Obama was not born in the U.S.
Read the Complete Article HERE!

Taiz Orly, Birther Queen

[I started out with a couple of tweets with a link to the original post included. From there the thread ran into her 'Birther Queen' nickname and onto other alternative names for Orly. After that it evolved into baby names for Teabaggers. This gave rise to a new hash tag: #TeabaggerBabyNames. It also gave rise to a hater with all of 4 followers who just couldn't resist the opportunity to drop by and say stupid stuff. There was also some 15 or more of my followers that took time to jump in with some choice comments and names of their own. Here's how it went down.]

From @larrydhalstead      [RT@larrydhalstead]

Taiz Orly, Birther seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats. Needs referral to mental asylum instead

Birther Queen, Captain to a ship of fools seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats #p2

Portland Newspaper: "Words cannot express the pleasure of finding one's self the subject of a rant by Mz. Taitz."

From @Koursey: Taiz Orly, Birther Queen, seeks refuge with UN over Death Threats // Medication will silence those voices

Breaking: Taiz Orly, Birther Queen EXPOSED. She was born in Crazyville, a small town in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan

Trickle Down Economic explained; Ronald Reagan was born in Kenya.

What's an Taiz Orly?

Taiz Orly revealed to be exact same Fruit Cake people give away each Christmas- for 20 yrs now!

When your name is Orly Taitz, Do you really need a nick name like Birther Queen?

When she was young did Orly Taiz' parents inspire her to grow up and become a Birther Queen?

Birther Queen sounds like something you would call a fruitful hamster

Are there 'Birther' Princess Pageants in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan?

RT @MarchMoon: @larrydhalstead Birther Queen sounds like the Octomom

Is there ALSO a 'Birther' KING in the Rushpublic of Teabagistan?

From @omi66: Or a mother of 6

From @MarchMoon: Birther Queen sounds like the Octomom

From @LtlRedX: @larrydhalstead Birther Queen sounds like a bad ABBA song

History will remember the 'Birther Queen' with the same fondness as the 'Crotch' bomber

Alternative Nicknames
for the Birther Queen

From @geeoharee: I think Olbermann should have stuck with Orly Taint. Best Freudian slip ever.

I think Olbermann should have stuck with Orly Taint. Best Freudian slip ever. #p2 via @geeoharee

From @soulverbs: or Orly Skank

From @larsolsson: OILY Taint. 

Orly Taint, Oily Taint, Orly Skank. Entries in the 'Rename the Birther Queen' Contest! via:@geeoharee @soulverbs @larsolsson

From @MarchMoon: my vote is for Oily Taint

The Birth of Teabagger Baby Names

Has anybody ever seen a birth cetificate for Birther Queen Orly Taitz?

From @jenny0101: They don't issue them on her home planet.

From @omi66: Didn't think Mars issued birth certificates just hatching dates.

From @larsolsson: I wanna see Taitz's Earth certificate, make sure she's from this planet.

Do you think Teabaggers will start naming their babies 'Birther Queen'?

From @Raptor2u: Do you think Teabaggers will start naming their babies 'Orly' or 'Sarah'?

Teabagger baby names RT @Koursey: @larrydhalstead They'll name their kids 'real' American names like Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey.

From @Koursey: They'll name their kids 'real' American names like Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey..I know...lame..but I couldn't help myself.

From @Koursey: Oolong is exotic

From @geeoharee: Rooibos is a pretty name

From @cybil_d: my god they're replicating???

[With all this interaction already, this is when @bluegreyeyes (with all of four follower drops by to start talking some smack about how I'm doing this thread all myself. I ignore them for awhile and then the temptation to respond gets the better of me]

[Twitter Acct: @bluegreyeyes Name: 'B' 

 Bio: Concerned American for our future. ]

From @bluegreyeyes: did you think of that name all by your 'little self?'are you haha-ing to yourself? Looks like your going to play by yourself

From @larsolsson: So is Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic).

From @bluegreyeyes: ..gee no one seems to think your funny

From @Raptor2u: 'Orly is a Palin the Taitz'

From @larrydhalstead: AssTwit with 4 followers says WHAT? RT @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

From @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead @oxyconservative, boys, where did you go?? No one playing your game?? Jeeze..but you think your so popular??

From @chrismatth: @bluegreyeyes 900 of us follow @larrydhalstead because he's funny. You should try it. You never know - maybe you'll hit 10 followers.

@LtlRedX: The loonies are coming out tonight, is there a full moon? (Re: .@Bluegreyeyes)

From @bluegreyeyes: You now look like a one else is playing..your embarrassing yourself

From @soulverbs #TeabaggerBabyNames don't forget kibble & bits

From @LtlRedX: *smooches*

From @larsolsson: #TeabaggerBabyNames Truck, Frig, Prattle, Fnord...

From @chrismatth: How about @bluegreyeyes ? #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @larrydhalstead: @bluegreyeyes Wow, you are on a roll! 20 tweets now. And a couple of them aren't EVEN to @larrydhalstead

From @janinewallace: Thanks for the ........:) great trending topic! #TeabaggerBabyNames – fun

From @petezoe: #TeabaggerBabyNames Trigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther

[Sarcasm Alert- @OxyConservative]
From @OxyConservative: @bluegreyeyes You are such a meanie. Isn't he @larrydhalstead, he is just so mean to us!

When it comes to #TeabaggerBabyNames the Palin Gang got the best ones HANDs down.

new hash tag:

Starting to look like we need a new hash tag: #TeabaggerBabyNames please submit entries now

From @bluegreyeyes: Wow, did your hashtag end already? Gee, sorry about that, it was so witty and all..whoops

'Orly' or 'Sarah #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @Raptor2u

Oolong is exotic #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @Koursey

Rooibos is a pretty name #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 @geeoharee

#TeabaggerBabyNames Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey. via @Koursey

#TeabaggerBabyNames Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic). via @larsolsson

From @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

AssTwit with 4 followers says WHAT? RT @bluegreyeyes: @larrydhalstead ..gee no one seems to think your funny

Cracker, Ritz, Saltine, Triscuit #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @Teresa1908: That's funny! :o)

From @jfkfan: Good one !!

From @omi66 You keep me laughing Sir Lawrence

THANK YOU! @chrismatth @LtlRedX @emsmithart @omi66 @jfkfan

@bluegreyeyes Congrats on your 5th follower! Let me guess GregWHoward? Fairy Polly?

@bluegreyeyes Wow, you are on a roll! 20 tweets now. And a couple of them aren't EVEN to @larrydhalstead

Palin, Handjob, Palm Pilot, Ubecha #TeabaggerBabyNames

Wink, Nobama, Cheney #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @OxyConservative: 'Newt', 'Rush', & 'Patriot' #TeabaggerBabyNames

RT @janinewallace: #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 --- Ridge, Crest, Neybama, Dick, Winchester, Moli Tov

@janinewallace Thank you for joining in

When it comes to #TeabaggerBabyNames the Palin Gang got the best ones HANDs down

Cricket, Shooter, Quitter #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2

From @janinewallace: #teabaggerBabyNames Camo Mille, Ryful,

From @janinewallace: #TeabaggerBabyNames #p2 Derringer, Whyte, Laska, Joe Kid, Ceefour

From @Anomaly100 Taxer, Patriot, Dick <--too obvious? #teabaggerBabyNames

From @soulverbs: #TeabaggerBabyNames Don't forget kibble & bits

From @raptor2u: 'Willow', 'Piper', 'Track', 'Trig',... What??? #TeabaggerBabyNames

From @petezoe: #TeabaggerBabyNames Trigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther

Teabagger Baby Names  
Complete List To date  

Birther Queen, Orly, Sarah, Chamomile, Jasmine, Earl Grey, Oolong, Rooibos, Shithéad (tell 'em it's Celtic), Orly is a Palin the Taitz, Kibble, & Bits, Truck, Frig, Prattle, Fnord,@bluegreyeyes, Rigger, Tracker, Trucker, Trotter, Truther, Cracker, Ritz, Saltine, Triscuit, Palin, Handjob, Palm Pilot, Ubecha, Wink, Nobama, Cheney, 'Newt, Rush, Patriot, Ridge, Crest, Neybama, Dick, Winchester, Moli Tov, Cricket, Shooter, Quitter, Camo Mille, Ryful, Derringer, Whyte, Laska, Joe Kid, Ceefour, Taxer, Patriot, Dick, Willow, Piper, Track, Trig 

Thanks for input & ReTweets  :

@macumberledge @LtlRedX @Koursey @soulverbs @Teresa1908 @jfkfan @omi66 @jawaj52yagbebi @janinewallace @Raptor2u @geeoharee @MarchMoon @arkangel99 @LtlRedX @omi66 @soulverbs @jenny0101 @larsolsson @Koursey @heywho @cybil_d

MUCH Appreciated

Birther Queen Orly Taitz A Freak In The Sheets?


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