Saturday, February 20, 2010
VIDEO: "Genius" 14-year-old speaker is back at CPAC, makes lame teleprompter joke
By GottaLaff
"This Jonathan Krohn kid has
always given me the creeps.
His delivery is way too slick:"
-GottaLaff "Laffy"
-GottaLaff "Laffy"
"For the record, I am not using any teleprompters today because I loaned them to President Obama,"
Jonathan Krohn said to laughter from the CPAC.
By GottaLaff
Okay, once and for all: This is one of the stupidest memes since the genesis of memeology*. How it persists in light of HandNotes McAlsoToo is beyond comprehension.
Let's review: When you give a big important speech that will be watched by the entire world, "winging it", or even attempting to memorize it, would be reckless and not too wise.
Every word, every syllable is parsed. Experts in any given field use notes for speeches. Who wouldn't?
[*Definition of Meme: a pervasive thought or thought pattern that replicates itself via cultural means; a parasitic code, a virus of the mind especially contagious to children and the impressionable ]
The following tweet is one of several Tweets by @GottaLaff about her post. It was the one I saw first and the one that started me ranting on the 'Hand Palm' vs Teleprompter hypocrisy.
Its the most blatant of Teabagger craziness that has spilled over into the larger GOP and the Conservatives represented by the Carnival that is CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee.
It is a sideshow that has been eating on me since all of this foolishness showed up on the nets. So I was glad to see that GottaLaff or Laffy or anybody for that matter would show the obvious about what this debate is based on. Here's her tweet:
“I had to rant: VIDEO: "Genius" 14-year-old speaker is back at CPAC, makes lame teleprompter joke”
Here's my 'Ranting' on GottaLaff's 'Ranting' on the CPAC and a 14 year old ranting on a teleprompter that Obama used in order to communicate more effectively and NOT just sound like he's 'just' - RANTING:
From @larrydhalstead RT @GottaLaff: I had to rant: VIDEO: "Genius" 14-year-old speaker is back at CPAC, makes lame teleprompter joke
From @larrydhalstead Palin's 'HandJob makes stupid teleprompter rants as absurd as the Tea Party. Thanks @GottaLaff 4 this piece on it>
From GottaLaff - True dat
From @larrydhalstead Palin's 'HandJob vs a teleprompter? Thanks @GottaLaff 4 GREAT Context, Perspective>
From @larrydhalstead Sometimes I want to smack a Teabagger RE: Palin's 'HandJob vs a teleprompter! Thanks @GottaLaff U JUST DId>
From GottaLaff - Ha! And thank you for that.
From @larrydhalstead So foolish, Obama using a hightech teleprompter when he could have had a hand from Palin! See @GottaLaff Post
From @larrydhalstead Can U tell yet that @GottaLaff Hit a nerve with me re; Hand Jobs vs. Teleprompter Post?
From GottaLaff @larrydhalstead True dat TY too!
From @larrydhalstead I may not quit until U go read the post by @GottaLaff Re; Hand Jobs vs. Teleprompter Post?
From GottaLaff -I believe him!
From @larrydhalstead Yesterday I did a series of Stupid stuff GWB said but Obama using a teleprompter is heresy? Treason?
From @larrydhalstead I thought 4 sure teleprompter lunacy would die with Palin's Hand Job #p2 @GottaLaff
From: @vaspersthegrate Teleprompters are for morons. Odumba sealed his college records so we assume he flunked his classes.
[Note: Now comes the truth about Obama using the teleprompter for media press conference and not for 6th grade class in a whole other room. But don't try to tell that for won't let go of another reason to be an Obama Hater. This from @Coopster04 on this next tweet:]
From @Coopster04 Did you see this debunking Obama using teleprompter with 6th graders that the #TCOT use all the time?
[Here's the photos from that link. Notice the room for the Press Conference has green carpet. The picture below it with the President speaking to the 6th graders has tan carpets and guess what's missing? THE TELEPROMPTERS!!! Those vary things that people like Stephen E. Streight aka @vaspersthegrate won't shut the hell up about already. And we haven't heard the last of Stephen yet.]
Press Conference = Green Carpet
6th Grade Class = Tan Carpet
Looky Teacher: No Telepromters
Any Questions students?
From: @vaspersthegrate: Obama's so stupid, he used teleprompters to speak to 6th grade students!
[Your not paying attention Stephen. Bad Student! Go sit in the corner.]
From: @vaspersthegrate: Obama's teleprompters said, "Dude, it's 6th graders for God's sake!"
[Ok, Stephen, just shut up now. You don't want to look at the pictures. You hate facts. You like being ignorant. We get it! Now just shut up for the rest of class so the 6th graders that ARE listening to the President speak WITHOUT a Teleprompter, can do the real learning that you keep showing us you are incapable of doing. Back in the corner. Put the dunce cap on. And NOT another word from you.]
From @larrydhalstead I took heat on Teabagger websites 4 my Palin's Hand Job Jokes. Now I think I need to write some more #p2 @GottaLaff
From: @vaspersthegrate: Obama's so stupid, he used teleprompters to speak to 6th
From @larrydhalstead: Here's one: "I'd rather have a teleprompter from Obama than a Hand Job from Palin"
From: @vaspersthegrate: Obama's teleprompters said, "Dude, it's 6th graders for God's sake!"
[Stephen, when you were young did your parents just keep on beating you with the stupid stick? Just LOOK at the damn pictures will you!]
From @larrydhalstead Here's another one: "Palin's Right hands said 'See other hand Stupid" #p2 @GottaLaff
From: @vaspersthegrate @larrydhalstead @BrettR4763 Thanks for acknowledging my questions re: Obama Hope & Change Unicorn. He's a warmonger. :^(
From @larrydhalstead @GottaLaff Go ahead, take a break, have some coffee. I'm all over this telepromter foolishness #p2
From: @vaspersthegrate: People, from pastors to Presidents, who read scripted speeches & sermons are dumb. Extemporize! Let the spirit flow! Be Authentic!
[Stephen, you just going all kinds of crazy now aren't you? Are you saying that Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King's 'I have a Dream' speech are what? Big huge mistake on their parts? Do you know how long Lincoln poured over The Gettysburg Address? Someday Abe is going to kick your ass for that one.]
From: @vaspersthegrate: Cut the puppet strings of your Overmasters! Throw away your teleprompters & canned speeches! Speak from the heart! If you have one....
[Professor 'Speech Class' Stephen, you done gone and lost your entire marbles on this whole teleprompter business. I'mma gonna have to leave you along now.]
From @pancakes007: Is it #obama or #palin who thinks there are 57 states? #p2
[Sheeesh, another one. Stephen, is this your wife?]
[NOTE: The Topic veers off in the direction of the stuff I see pop up from the tcots that I am now collecting for a post on the 'Stupid Stuff tcots Say'. Some of these comments are part of the tweets posted above]
From @larrydhalstead: Turns out tweets that are addressed to Press Sec Gibbs are archived. I'm doing some archiving of my own!
From @larrydhalstead: Some of the tweets I am archiving are the "Tweet Stuff on #p2" but some is the stupid stuff you get from #tcot just the worst of the worst
From: @OxyConservative: Damn. Where do you draw that line?
From @larrydhalstead What a coincidence but the post by @GottaLaff re: Teleprompter is bringing out some of these stupid stuff right now
From @larrydhalstead U want to see some of these stupid comments I'm getting right now? Re: post by @GottaLaff re: Teleprompter
From @larrydhalstead I know you do so here's a couple I will retweet with only the appropriate 'WTF?" in front of the RT. You be the Judge
From @larrydhalstead WTF?>RT @vaspersthegrate: Teleprompters are for morons.
From @larrydhalstead WTF?>RT @vaspersthegrate: Odumba sealed his college records so we assume he flunked his classes.
From @larrydhalstead WTF?>RT @pancakes007: Is it #obama or #palin who thinks there are 57 states?
From @larrydhalstead: WTF?>RT @vaspersthegrate:Obama's teleprompters said, "Dude, it's 6th graders for God's sake!"
From @larrydhalstead WTF? RT @vaspersthegrate: @larrydhalstead Thanks for acknowledging my questions re: Obama Hope & Change Unicorn. He's a warmonger.
From @larrydhalstead I know you of the intelligent #p2 species see this TCOT crap all the time but its scary cause "They walk amongst us" Scary ain't it?
From @larrydhalstead: Truthiness in Comedy >RT @OxyConservative: 'Obama and Teleprompter' MUST BE LIKE A MENTAL 'SHINY OBJECT' TO THESE FOLK
From @lightnin38: You can pick them out of a crowd by their "crazy eyes", that telltale fanatical gleam that screams wingnut.
From @larrydhalstead: SORRY 4U RT@Jaison96 Try having to work with these TCOT goons; seeing their bumper stickers in the parking lot - Uuhgg!
From @Jaison96: - Scary? That is not the word to describe it. Frightening is the word. Or Holy F&$k! is the right word.
From @larrydhalstead: Everyday twitter teaches you NOT to debate the tcot lunatics. Either you let them win or they fly their planes into your house
From @larrydhalstead: @GottaLaff How's the coffee break? (Ps: Still not done with your teleprompter vs Hand Job post yet) #p2
From Palin Hands to Obama's Teleprompter; The stuff you see on #p2 really does make you: GottaLaff
Twitter Authors On this Post
@ GottaLaff California
Bio: Demented, comedy writer, political blogger, Progressive radio w/ Angie Coiro + BLUNT TV creator
@vaspersthegrate Stephen E. Streight Peoria, IL
Bio: The web usability analyst & web content developer. Social media trainer. Computer musician. Hardcore pacifist. Christian revolutionary. How may I help you?
@OxyConservative Oxy Conservative
Proud White Christian Conservative Diehard White Tea Party White Republican.
@Jaison96 Jaison Simmons
Bio: I'm a 6'3 bum from South Philly. I like all sports. Also, I'm a bit of a nerd/geek. I'm progressive independent and a political junkie.
@Coopster04 Joni Seattle, WA
Bio: I'm me. Depending on you, I can be funny, kind, caring (or not) I'm left handed and I lean left. Is a civil war coming?
@pancakes007 Carmen Bio: None
More From: @pancakes007
-@tlw3 No I wish failure to #obama's marxist ideology and agenda
-@indjunjoe Clinton didn't balance the budget, the Repub. majority congress did, it's laughable you're still trying to give him credit 4 that
-@tlw3 obama's governing like he's still stoned #p2
Here is a great video from The Young Turks on:
Annoying Republican Kid
Thinks He Has It Figured Out
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