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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

@EzKool - GOP & UnEmployment

Author: Ezra @EzKool

Bio “Evidently, being liberal means you're looking out for your fellow-man. That's ME!”
Location: Around the Corner

Note: These were posted around February 12, 2010. This is about GOP Hypocrisy with regard to the UnEmployment and the Party of NO.

GOP & UnEmployment
And as the GOP continues playing politics with the Jobs Bill, there's still 14.8 million Americans unemployed. 

[I don't think it really matters but the order they were run is from the bottom of this post to the top.] 

While unemployment rate in New Jersey is at 10.1%, GOP plays politics with Jobs bill. 
While unemployment in Georgia is at 10.3%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill 
While unemployment rate in Mississippi is at 10.6%, GOP plays politics with Jobs bill. 
While the unemployment rate in Kentucky is at 10.7%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 

While unemployment in Ohio is at 10.9%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
@Danzie4 - Unemployment in California is at 12.4% 
While unemployment in Tennessee is at 10.9%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment in Alabama is at 11%, GOP plays politics with Jobs bill. 
While unemployment rate in Oregon is at 11%, GOP plays politics with Jobs bill. 
While unemployment rate in Illinois is at 11.1%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment in North Carolina is at 11.2%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment rate in Florida is at 11.8%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment rate in District Of Columbia is at 12.1%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment rate is California is at 12.4%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment rate in South Carolina is at 12.6%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill. 
While unemployment rate in Rhode Island is at 12.9%, GOP still plays politics with Jobs Bill 
While unemployment rate in Nevada is at 13.0%, GOP plays politics with Jobs Bill 
While unemployment rate in Michigan is at 14.6%, GOP plays politics with Jobs bill 
And as the GOP continues playing politics with the Jobs Bill, there's still 14.8 million Americans unemployed. 


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